Broiler gut health: is Novus backed research showing the way?

Gut health in broilers: is Novus backed research showing the way?

By Jane Byrne

The team behind an industry and academia collaborative project claims they have pinpointed seven potential biomarkers for gut barrier failure in broilers – an outcome that could support the hunt for effective antibiotic alternatives in poultry production.

Enzyme package may boost value of emerging chicken feedstock

Enzyme package may boost value of emerging chicken feedstock

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

A multi-carbohydrase enzyme additive boosts the nutritional elements of the oilseed, camelina, when used in chicken feed by increasing energy and offering digestible amino acids, say a group of Canadian researchers.

Lallemand: heat stress is a reality in European dairy production

Lallemand: heat stress is a reality in European dairy production

By Lynda Searby

Lallemand Animal Nutrition is advising dairy farmers to adopt nutritional programs designed to protect the rumen and promote rumen efficiency, on the back of a new survey that identified heat stress as a real threat throughout Europe.

Lallemand links up with Texas A&M on yeast research

Lallemand links up with Texas A&M on yeast research

By Jane Byrne

Lallemand Animal Nutrition said it is partnering with the US institute, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, to document mode of action, biomarkers of efficacy and benefits of existing yeast and bacteria strains for beef and dairy cattle.

EU whey to poultry feed project shows laying rate and FCR gains

EU whey to poultry feed project shows laying rate and FCR gains

By Jane Byrne

The findings of a Spanish research project show that incorporating up to 6% whey into layer and broiler feed improves the yield across all the parameters analyzed from laying rate to daily intake to conversion index to weight gain.

Brewing residue could support broiler industry in aflatoxin battle

Brewing residue could support broiler industry in aflatoxin battle

By Jane Byrne

While not the silver bullet in terms of Aflatoxin B1 inactivation, US and Brazilian researchers have shown a beer fermentation residue could be one component of a broiler farmer’s toolbox when faced with an aflatoxicosis challenge in their flock.

Big growth predicted in amino acid sector based on higher inclusion levels

Special Edition: Future Feeds

Big growth predicted in amino acid sector based on higher inclusion levels

By Jane Byrne

While microalgae and insect meal represent potentially innovative protein sources, producers should look to higher amino acid supplementation to lower the protein requirements in animal diets and reduce the environmental burden, says a leading researcher.