AB Neo launches 'game changing' neonatal animal nutrition technology

AB Neo launches 'game changing' neonatal animal nutrition technology

By Jane Byrne

Research expertise at AB Neo, a new division of AB Agri, is focused solely on neonate performance, with the UK firm saying its newly launched accelerator program is already proven, academically and commercially, to take calf and piglet performance to...

Novel microalgae production method promises cheap fish feed

Algasol Renewables behind floating bag based algae cultivation system site in Bangladesh

Novel microalgae production method promises cheap fish feed

By Jane Byrne

A pilot scale initiative in Bangladesh backed by two international technology players is aiming to show how cheap fish feed can be derived from a novel algae production method.

Melissa Rebbeck, of the University of Adelaide, is leading research into a new pellet for methane reduction in cattle.

Grape bi-product pellet reduces methane emissions and feed costs

By Lynda Searby

Feeding trials are demonstrating that a pellet developed from grape marc and lucerne ‘offal’ by researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia, could be an economically viable route to reducing methane emissions in ruminants.

Antimicrobial peptides offer exciting potential for reducing the occurrence of antibiotic resistance. Photo courtesy of NIAID

Antimicrobial peptides: an alternative to conventional antibiotics?

By Lynda Searby

Scientists from the German Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife (IZW) have found that antimicrobial peptides offer a “promising solution” for reducing the use of antibiotics in pig breeding, and suggest that these amino acid compounds could have application...

The palatability and digestibility of barley protein concentrate have been confirmed in trials.

Beer industry’s loss is aquafeed's gain

By Lynda Searby

Barley that doesn’t make the grade for the brewing industry is being turned into a feed ingredient for aquaculture via a patented process that improves its nutritional value.  

Using xylanase in conjunction with phytase super-dosing resulted in a 4% improvement in broiler bodyweight gain

Phytase-xylanase combo: taking super-dosing to the next level

By Lynda Searby

Whilst the poultry feed industry is still getting its head around the concept of phytase ‘super-dosing’, AB Vista has come out with the results of a new study which advocates combining phytase super-dosing with a single-enzyme xylanase.

Rice growers in California are producing 'strawlage' for cattle from rice straw

Californian research yields cattle feed from rice straw

By Lynda Searby

Researchers at the University of California (UC) Cooperative Extension have been working on converting rice straw into cattle feed, providing a potential solution for livestock producers confronted with feed shortages as a result of California’s crippling...

Nanotechnology could help producers end reliance on antibiotics

Nanotechnology could help producers end reliance on antibiotics

By Jane Byrne

There are a limited number of nanomaterials in development for feed additives, but projects with some momentum behind them include one looking to replace antibiotics with nano-sized substitutes, finds an EFSA-commissioned report.