Antibiotic Resistance

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Live! Agrivision 2017: AMR, AgTech and Alliances

By Jane Byrne

Finding ways for industry to come together, to collaborate to tackle major global challenges such as antimicrobial resistance (AMR) was the theme of the ninth edition of Nutreco's conference, Agrivision.

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E. coli derived additive gets EU approval

By Jane Byrne

The EU Commission (EC) has approved the use of the additive L-threonine produced by fermentation with E. coli for production of feed for all animal species.


FDA seeks data on ag antibiotic use

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has put out a call for grants to collect more information on how antibiotics are used in animal production.

Tokach recognized for swine nutrition work by AFIA

Tokach recognized for swine nutrition work by AFIA

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

The over-arching goals of Mike Tokach’s research seek to minimize the ultimate production costs for farmers raising pigs and to improve the quality and welfare of the pigs, he said.

AFIA objects to record retention timeframe under new VFD rule

AFIA objects to record retention timeframe under new VFD rule

By Jane Byrne

The US feed sector has questioned the reporting obligations sought under the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) as the FDA releases the final version of the rule that aims to bring the use of medically important antimicrobials under veterinary supervision.

Tainted feed probe continues in Holland

Tainted feed probe continues in Holland

By Jane Byrne

Almost 100 pig farms in the Netherlands, which had been shut down by the Dutch food safety authority (nVWA) last week due to an illegal antibiotic find in feed, are operational again.