
© GettyImages/Nadezhda Buravleva

Mootral: UK businesses snap up CowCredits

By Jane Byrne

Mootral reports that 3,000 of its CowCredits have been purchased by well-known UK businesses, including a household brand in financial services, driving much-needed capital into sustainable agriculture.

© GettyImages/invincible_bulldog

UK invests £9m in fight against endemic livestock disease

By Jane Byrne

The UK’s Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) have announced £9m (US$11.43m) funding for phase two of the endemic livestock disease initiative.

© GettyImages/coldsnowstorm

Agri-ocmmodity market tracker

Missile attacks on Ukraine send wheat prices soaring

By Jane Byrne

Wheat prices leaped, leading a strong session for grain futures, as a massive attack by Russia on Ukrainian ports shattered hopes for the country’s grain exports, reports the CRM Agri team.