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Special Edition: Gut health and immunity

Team identifies effective alternatives to in-feed AGPs for piglets

By Jane Byrne

Chinese researchers have found supplementation of benzoic acid, Bacillus coagulans and oregano oil combined has the potential to improve the immune status, intestinal barrier integrity and microflora of piglets on antibiotic free diets.

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Nutreco partners with cell-based seafood startup

By Jane Byrne

Nutreco has announced a strategic partnership with US cell-based seafood startup, BlueNalu. This announcement comes only a week after the Dutch animal nutrition and fish feed group reported it was collaborating with cellular meat pioneer, Mosa Meat.

© GettyImages/ko_orn

Young Animal Nutrition

The implications of breeder diets on the progeny

By Jane Byrne

Despite advances in genetics and management, metabolic and skeletal disorders are common among commercial poultry, leading to high mortality rates and large financial losses for producers.

© GettyImages/atese

special edition: aqua feed innovation

Plant additive may boost farmed snapper immune response

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

Adding extracts from Chenopodium ambrosioides to the diets of farmed red snapper may improve fish’s antioxidant response and immune functioning when facing a disease challenge, say researchers.

© GettyImages/beingbonny

Fungal fermented rye may reduce reliance on antibiotics in pigs

By Jane Byrne

A product, based on proprietary fungal fermented rye, is aimed at supporting pig farmers as they move away from a reliance on antibiotics for herd management in that it reduces the animal’s exposure to harmful pathogens, says Trouw Nutrition.

© GettyImages/locknloadlabrador

News in Brief

FDA looks to improve access to medicated feed data for industry

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

As part of the continued effort to improve transparency and public access to information about approved animal drugs, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said it has made medicated feed-related information more accessible and user-friendly.

© GettyImages/Lyubov Demus

Basil oil may boost tilapia growth

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

Basil essential oil may improve the growth, intestinal function and performance of farm-raised juvenile Nile tilapia, say researchers.

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