Cattle - beef

Melissa Rebbeck, of the University of Adelaide, is leading research into a new pellet for methane reduction in cattle.

Grape bi-product pellet reduces methane emissions and feed costs

By Lynda Searby

Feeding trials are demonstrating that a pellet developed from grape marc and lucerne ‘offal’ by researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia, could be an economically viable route to reducing methane emissions in ruminants.

Rice growers in California are producing 'strawlage' for cattle from rice straw

Californian research yields cattle feed from rice straw

By Lynda Searby

Researchers at the University of California (UC) Cooperative Extension have been working on converting rice straw into cattle feed, providing a potential solution for livestock producers confronted with feed shortages as a result of California’s crippling...

Tainted feed probe continues in Holland

Tainted feed probe continues in Holland

By Jane Byrne

Almost 100 pig farms in the Netherlands, which had been shut down by the Dutch food safety authority (nVWA) last week due to an illegal antibiotic find in feed, are operational again.

Zilmax trial design defended by lead UNL scientist

Zilmax trial design defended by lead UNL scientist

By Jane Byrne

US researchers, who concluded that controversial cattle feed additive, Zilmax, doesn’t have a detrimental effect on cattle health or well-being, said their study is robust despite criticism this week that it was too narrow in terms of scale.

UK compound feed prices continue to fall

UK compound feed prices continue to fall

By Jane Byrne

Average prices for compound feed across all animal categories in the UK have slipped in the past quarter, says Defra in its animal feedstuffs price report.

Push to plug gaps in feed safety schemes

Push to plug gaps in feed safety schemes


Are feed safety schemes robust enough when it comes to food safety and fraud management? This is one of the questions being put by the initiators of a global feed safety scheme benchmarking drive who are currently reviewing the public consultation phase...

Grain supply levels set to offer respite to livestock farmers

Grain supply levels set to offer respite to livestock farmers


Bullish US data on the global crop outlook means livestock farmers can expect to be enjoying some respite following a particularly tough few years of high prices and lack of quality fodder, said UK brokerage house Shore Capital.

Cargill on maturing global markets, increasing regulation and the role of animal protein

Interview with Cargill's marketing and technology director Scott Ainslie

Cargill on maturing global markets, increasing regulation and the role of animal protein

By Maggie Hennessy

Scott Ainslie, director of strategic marketing and technology at Cargill, recently chatted with FeedNavigator about the broad range of challenges facing the animal feed market, from finding ways to better feed a growing global population to new carbon...

Animal demand for US soybeans grows

Animal demand for US soybeans grows

By Maggie Hennessy

US animal agriculture's consumption of US-grown soybean meal increased by 1 million tons—equivalent to the meal from 42 million bushels of soybeans—in the 2011-12 marketing year, according to a soy checkoff-funded report.