
Nanotechnology could help producers end reliance on antibiotics

Nanotechnology could help producers end reliance on antibiotics

By Jane Byrne

There are a limited number of nanomaterials in development for feed additives, but projects with some momentum behind them include one looking to replace antibiotics with nano-sized substitutes, finds an EFSA-commissioned report.

Insects billed as feed of the future

Insects billed as feed of the future


Insects in animal feed could soon become a reality if regulators, industry and researchers can combine their common interests to push this alternative protein source, claims a Dutch academic.

Cargill on maturing global markets, increasing regulation and the role of animal protein

Interview with Cargill's marketing and technology director Scott Ainslie

Cargill on maturing global markets, increasing regulation and the role of animal protein

By Maggie Hennessy

Scott Ainslie, director of strategic marketing and technology at Cargill, recently chatted with FeedNavigator about the broad range of challenges facing the animal feed market, from finding ways to better feed a growing global population to new carbon...

Antibiotics in action

Antibiotics in action

New data from a survey of animal health companies show that the
volume of antibiotics used in animals in the US was virtually
unchanged in 2002 compared to 2001, after two consecutive years of
declines. The report from the Animal...

Piggy feed

Piggy feed

A project funded by the European development organisation Eureka
has helped scientists to produce a fortifying feed for piglets
without the use of antibiotics.