Authorities in the region of Rouen, France have issued an order banning the harvest and sale of agricultural products, including animal feed, in 112 municipalities located near the site of a chemical factory fire.
JBS USA is being told to improve processes used to produce and test some fat-based feed ingredients following a series of investigations at one of the company’s rendering facilities.
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) in the US has determined that grain and seed screenings used as feed were linked to the spread of an invasive weed, Palmer amaranth, in soybean fields there.
African swine fever may be orally transmittable in plant-based feeds and liquids, although higher doses of the virus are needed to generate infection from feeds, says researcher.
US officials’ discovery of 1m pounds of smuggled pork from China at a port in New Jersey may heighten US industry virus fears as African Swine Fever (ASF) is known to survive in pork and feed products.