The sustainability debate in the European animal feed context is one that is continually evolving, and it can be challenging to keep ahead of developments, says a Cargill animal nutrition expert.
Supplementing broiler chicken diets with capsaicin extract could improve numerous performance and functionality parameters in the birds, finds a study.
A life cycle assessment (LCA) has shown a feeding concept based around low crude protein levels and the use of amino acids can have significant effects in terms of lessening the environmental impact of monogastric production and reducing nitrogen-based...
A low dietary protein allocation post-weaning can reduce the diarrhea frequency and thereby reduce the need for antibiotic treatments when medicinal zinc oxide is banned, reports a Danish team.
Newly established national animal feed security systems in Kenya and Ethiopia are helping these African nations prepare for droughts and maximize utilization of their feed resources.
Dietary valine supplementation can decrease the negative effect of feeding low crude protein (CP) diets to broiler chickens, but during the starter and growing periods only, said an Iranian team of animal scientists.