Following a challenging start to the year, a US based grain safety program seek to reduce injuries and fatalities in the industry through training and education.
Harvest challenges and poor grain quality in the US informed the upturn in grain entrapments and fatalities seen in 2019, with an expert forecasting more safety challenges this year.
Interstate Commodities is facing multiple safety violation citations and a $228,592 federal fine following an investigation after an employee was fatally engulfed in grain.
The Andersons, Inc. is facing a $291,716 fine for safety violations following an investigation into the deaths of two employees inside a grain storage facility.
Conditions of feed grains and ingredients at harvest is raising concerns about safety as wet grain can lead to storage problems and prompt grain bin entry, says safety expert.
Columbia Grain International is being fined $191,322 and cited for safety violations regarding feed grain handling, employee training and equipment use following an employee’s death.
A wet and delayed feed crop harvest season in the US is being punctuated with reports of fires in grain dryers; however, there are ways to help prevent incidents and reduce the cost of drying, says industry expert.
The Deluxe Feeds feed mill in Sheldon, Iowa in the US is continuing to operate following an onsite fire and explosion, in which there were no injuries.
Grain engulfment, dust explosions and fall hazards are among some of the main safety considerations for members of the US feed and grain handling industry.