EFSA seeks feed additive industry expert help
The call is part of EFSA’s Stakeholder Engagement Approach, under which discussion groups act as ‘learning systems’ that allow the Authority to capitalise on industry knowledge in specific areas.
As a participant in the discussion groups, you will have the opportunity to attend working group meetings, either in person or via teleconference, with EFSA experts and give your comments on the documents.
The drafting of the document, though, will remain the responsibility of EFSA’s working group experts.
- EFSA Discussion Group on the FEEDAP Panel Guidance on the assessment of the efficacy of feed additives
- EFSA Discussion group on the FEEDAP Panel Guidance document for the environmental risk assessment of feed additives
The EU risk assessor said the discussion group on product efficacy, ideally, will be composed of representative of organizations covering the whole feed chain, from primary production to retail. "The experts shall be selected on the basis of their expertise in the area of efficacy of feed additives and their strong motivation."