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Dispatches from EuroTier 2016

ForFarmers: 'High level of correlation between market share and profitability'

By Jane Byrne

ForFarmers reported the pressure on the Dutch dairy sector to meet phosphate emission levels could see a significant reduction in herd sizes next year, but such a development is expected to have a limited impact on the company’s dairy feed volumes overall.

Can preventative health stop AMR in its tracks?

Reports from the PIX/AMC conference in Australia

Can preventative health stop AMR in its tracks?

By Kacey Culliney

Feed makers must focus on preventative health as part of a global and collaborative effort in tackling the rise of antimicrobial resistance, say experts.


Reports from Phileo Lesaffre Global Ruminant Symposium

How can dairy farmers meet the protein challenge?

By Jane Byrne

Calves are the most valuable animal on the farm from the perspective of genetics and milk production but dairy producers are not giving them their complete attention, says a ruminant expert.

Fish trimmings feed promising for Australian prawn farm

Part two in our series looking at the Australian prawn sector

Fish trimmings feed promising for Australian prawn farm


A high-protein feed made from salmon and tuna trimmings has shown promise in a three-year trial at a Queensland-based prawn farm, its manager says.

William Reed Business Media Holiday video

Festive Film

Happy Holidays 2014 from William Reed Business Media!

The holidays are fast upon us, so let’s put ‘business’ to one side and get into the festive mood. To keep in the spirit of things, we’ve got a ‘gift’ for you – enjoy. Happy Holidays!