Corn growth and harvest continues to lag as warm, dry weather conditions persist across parts of the Corn Belt, however soybean production is more in line with previous development.
Weather related crop concerns, and spring wheat conditions raise questions even as corn planting ends and soybean planting nears completion, says analyst.
After a wet start to the feed crop-planting season, some states are making progress with corn and starting to get soybeans in the ground, says the USDA.
Despite wet conditions and regional flooding in parts of the US, the overall crop is seeing a rapid harvest and not widespread mold or damage, says expert.
Despite regional weather challenges, harvest has started for some US feed crops and overall quality remains high, says the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).
In the face of heavy rains and flooding in parts of the southeastern US, overall crop conditions are remaining strong, says the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).