ADM is increasingly focused on lowering feed costs, and improving sustainability metrics for monogastric producers, with it looking to optimize the degradation and availability of nutrients using phytases and other enzymes.
Precision feeding in gestating sows, which involves adjusting feed supply to individual nutrient requirements, reduces protein intake and feeding costs, according to new research.
Challenging market conditions, a pig backlog on farms, record pig feed costs and falling pig prices, mean farmers in the UK have been losing around £25 (US$33.7) per pig for nearly a year, according to the UK National Pig Association (NPA).
Brazil and Argentina are likely to step up corn and soybean exports to China during the US winter months, finds a newly released report from US organization, CoBank.
Much of the world is experiencing high enough milk prices to offset high feed costs and general input cost inflation, according to the latest dairy report from Rabobank.
In the coming year, US livestock and poultry producers will face more feed cost inflation than they have in over a decade, challenging their ability to recover after a difficult and volatile 2020, finds a new report from CoBank.
COVID-19 influence on logistics is expected to hinder Canadian exports of beef and pork, even as low feed prices support increased numbers of cattle on feed.
Dried grape pomace provides a cheaper alternative fiber source for beef feedlot cattle and may improve growth performance and carcass attributes compared to traditional feed ingredients, researcher say.
Whilst there is unlikely to be any relief from high feed prices in the short term for the soymeal-reliant poultry industry, an increase in soybean plantings in India in 2019 is “highly likely,” according to an analyst.