
© GettyImages/Westhoff

US soybean crush declines as biofuel demand slows

By Jane Byrne

The US National Oilseed Processors Association (NOPA) reported a significant dip in domestic soybean crush in April, attributed to rising soybean prices and slowing biofuel demand.

© GettyImages/Dmitrii_Guzhanin

EU soy output to hit record high

By Jane Byrne

Soy output in the EU-27 is projected to reach 3m tons this season, an all-time high, and an increase of 33% against 2022.

© GettyImages/coldsnowstorm

Agri-ocmmodity market tracker

Missile attacks on Ukraine send wheat prices soaring

By Jane Byrne

Wheat prices leaped, leading a strong session for grain futures, as a massive attack by Russia on Ukrainian ports shattered hopes for the country’s grain exports, reports the CRM Agri team.

© GettyImages/zoranm

Expectations growing for strong European rapeseed harvest

By Jane Byrne

The EU Commission’s Mars bureau this week nudged its forecast for the EU’s 2023 rapeseed yield higher to 3.34t per hectare, led most likely by an increase in the French crop. Should that be achieved, it would be the highest yield since the high of 3.61t...

© GettyImages/JJ Gouin

US soybean exports outpacing last season

By Jane Byrne

Soybean markets remained supported in recent days due to dwindling US supply amid incredibly strong export demand, finds a CRM Agri report.

© GettyImages/PaulMaguire

COVID-19 and the EU’s supply of plant protein

By Jane Byrne

The EU Commission has been urged to lift certain restrictions on protein crop production in Europe to address what the EU farming lobby terms ‘a growing risk’ to supply.

© GettyImages/ArtistGNDphotography

Downgraded wheat production forecasts for Australia

By Jane Byrne

Most of the Northern Hemisphere grain production is harvested or weeks away, says the AHDB in its most recent reviews of global grain and oilseed markets, and so all eyes are now trained on the weather conditions in the Southern Hemisphere.

© GettyImages/TodorovNikifor

Large wheat crop but EU rapeseed prospects remain poor

By Jane Byrne

Large wheat crops are expected for the EU, US and Ukraine, while the improved US weather outlook and large Black Sea crop forecasts are pressuring maize prices, according to the latest AHDB grains and oilseeds market review.

© GettyImages

Coceral sees significant increase in EU grain production for 2019

By Jane Byrne

In its first forecast for the 2019 crop, Coceral, the trade group representing the representing EU trade in cereals, rice, feedstuffs, oilseeds, olive oil, oils and fats and agrosupply, projects the EU total grain crop at 298.5 million tons.

© GettyImages/Aquir

Oilseeds supported by trade deal optimism

By Jane Byrne

CRM AgriCommodities says global oilseeds values have edged higher this week as markets sensed a more optimistic tone in the trade negotiation between the US and China.

© GettyImages/nakornkhai

Politics remains a major driver of oilseeds prices, note analysts

By Jane Byrne

Although the truce between the US and China has not yet translated into US soybean exports fully, it has certainly created more positive undercurrents in the market, now trading near the highest levels since August, reported CRM Agri in its weekly market...