All news articles for 2017

'While there is still plenty of wheat around from the previous campaign, there are signals the market is tightening.' © istock/ollinka

Wheat market may be tightening

By Jane Byrne

The market has been seeing a hike in wheat prices, following weather related risks emerging in key exporting producer countries, says an analyst.

FEFAC, reacting, stressed the need for an improved regulatory framework on authorization of feed additives, feed labelling and claims on nutritional benefits for maintaining a good animal health status, in order to facilitate transfer of nutritional knowledge and innovative solutions to the farm level. © istock

EU action plan to fight antimicrobial resistance

By Jane Byrne

The Commission has committed to continuing to promote animal husbandry and feeding regimes that support good animal health and welfare to reduce the use of antibiotics at farm level.

© Kent Nutrition Group

Special Edition: Feed Production Technology

Kent capital investments focus on improved technology

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

Efficiency, safety and product consistency are among the focuses for a series of ongoing capital investments for Kent Nutrition Group, says VP.

'Common to all the new protein sources, though, is this issue of price; they can’t compete currently, but the research focus is on the development of these new sources to meet future feed requirements.' © istock/DanielLacy

Special Edition: Feed Processing Technology

Will blue protein plug the gap in organic pig and poultry production?

By Jane Byrne

Organic pig and poultry producers in Europe face a lack of organic protein sources. Mussels and starfish may fit well as future feedstuffs for that segment but there are challenges around processing such raw materials into meal.

© iStock

Do young pigs need more help digesting soy-based feeds?

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

Supplemental enzymes and multicarbohydrase may improve weaned pigs digestion of crude protein from soy-based feed ingredients, however current digestibility values may be miscalculated, say researchers.

© istock/iqoncept

Compliant NI feed firms can expect fewer inspections

By Jane Byrne

Feed businesses in Northern Ireland (NI) who participate in and comply with feed assurance schemes – FEMAS, TASCC and UFAS – can look forward to fewer inspections and less sampling, reported UK feed trade group, the Agricultural Industries Confederation...

© istock/zaniman

Agrifirm defines and costs feeds of EU origin

By Jane Byrne

Dutch feed company, Agrifirm, says it can deliver feeds of EU origin but the market must take account of the fact that costs rise the more local protein inputs are included in the final feedstuffs.


Fire destroyed feed mill rises from ashes

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

A feed mill in Caledonia, New York that generated feed for Purina Animal Nutrition has been rebuilt and opened after being destroyed in a fire in 2014.

© iStock/SafakOguz

New feed assessment tool focused on NSPs

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

Canadian Bio-Systems’ feed analysis tool is said to help producers determine the presence of non-starch polysaccharides in monogastric feed.

© istock/AVNphotolab

JBS to sell Moy Park, Five Rivers Cattle Feeding

By Jane Byrne

Brazilian meatpacker, the corruption hit JBS, today announced it is selling off its share in Northern Irish integrated chicken business, Moy Park, in its plan to raise around R$6bn (US$1.8 billion) to help it cut debt and reduce leverage.